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"From Chalkboards to Chatbots: Revolutionizing Education at Scarborough Secondary"
Gone are the days of dusty chalkboards. Scarborough Secondary School is embracing the future with AI-powered chatbots and digital tools that make learning more interactive and efficient.
The school’s newly implemented chatbot system provides instant answers to students’ and parents’ queries, from homework help to school policies. “It’s like having a 24/7 assistant,” says Principal Nigel Jack. “It saves time and ensures no question goes unanswered.”
Students find the chatbot particularly useful for revising topics and accessing additional resources. “It’s like having a tutor in your pocket,” says fifth-former Natasha Blake. “It’s helped me a lot, especially with math.”
The chatbot is integrated with the MySchool app, ensuring a seamless user experience. The school is already exploring ways to enhance the system with voice recognition and multilingual support.
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